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Thanks for
Joining Us!

We had a great time getting to know you! As promised, here is a video that shares what we learned about Personal Safety.

If someone puts their hands on us without our permission, we need to be able to protect ourselves. However, hitting or kicking someone to make them let go should be a last resort. It is better to get their hand off by breaking the grip and creating space to try to diffuse the situation.


Watch the video below to revisit what you learned about how to deescalate conflict.

Youth Martial Arts Programs

Specializing in Personal Growth & Development

Teen Martial Arts

Ages 11-17 years old

Teens have so much going on. It can be such a challenging time in their young lives. Yes, this class will focus on building confidence, physical conditioning, and developing social skills. Of equal importance, they will have a safe, positive environment full of strong role models where they can express themselves freely. This can be their safe place as they journey towards adulthood.


Tuesday 5:45-6:30pm; Thursday 5:45-6:30pm; Fridays 4:15-5:00pm

One Month Trial: $69

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Junior Martial Arts

Ages 7-11 years old

This class is all about building healthy bodies, flexible minds, and strong character. Students love this class because they get to not only challenge themselves; they also get to make some new friends. They’ll do this and more, all in a positive, professional environment. Learning and personal growth has never been so much fun!


Monday 5:00-5:45pm; Wednesday 5:00-5:45pm;

Saturday 11:15am-12:00pm

One Month Trial: $69

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Explorer Martial Arts

Ages 5 & 6 years old

Curiosity. Young minds want to investigate and explore everything. Our instructors will give these young explorers an introduction to the fascinating (and fun) world of the martial arts. Classes will combine a structured environment with plenty of movement and opportunities for students to learn and grow at their own unique pace. They’ll leave class smiling, guaranteed!


Monday 4:15-5:00pm; Wednesday 4:15-5:00pm;

Saturday 10:30-11:15am

One Month Trial: $69

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